Fast Friends Friday

This is an interesting series of rides starting from Dryer Road Park, in Victor. These routes follow some of the less traveled roads in Ontario County. The terrain ranges from moderate to hilly; with the bigger hills near Bristol and Honeoye. Miles range from 23 to 41.

Dumpy is a moderate 23 miles. It runs by the store in Bloomfield. Cupcake adds 6 miles and a taste of the Bristol hills. There are no stores on this route. Big Foot logs 2500 feet of climbing. There is a nice store in Bristol Center. The Altitude Accumulator puts you over 3000 feet of climbing. The big climb is out of Bristol Center. The payback is the descent on Rt 20A. Because they run on Fridays, these rides tend to be moderately paced, with most people saving themselves for the weekend.