National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project Counts are scheduled for September 10-15th 2013 (Tuesday through Sunday). We need your help, please sign up.
See this site: which lets you view all of the sites and easily sign up.
Please feel free to contact Robert Torzynski at the telephone number listed below, or Elizabeth Murphy with the Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency, at (585) 224-3146, for assistance with signing-up or with questions.
Please note that all counts will be done as Screen Line counts, and that we’ve relocated some sites and added others. We’re also asking that volunteers limit themselves to the “standard” count times, which are 5-7 p.m. for weekdays and Noon-2 p.m. for weekends (Saturday-Sunday). It’s our hope that standardizing will help to ease data entry and improve the reliability and comparability for the count data.
A copy of the screen line count instructions/recording form can be obtained by emailing Robert Torzynski,
Further information is available here:
Information on the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project is available here:
Please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or comments.
Please share this email if you know of anyone that may wish to participate in the project.
Robert R. Torzynski, AICP, PTP
Program Manager - Bicycle & Pedestrian Planning
Genesee Transportation Council
50 W. Main St., Suite 8112
Rochester, NY 14614-1227
Phone: (585) 232-6240