Annual RBC Winter Media Show
Saturday, February 15 at 7:00 PM
This year, the show will be again be virtual to enjoy in the comfort of your home. There will be opportunities for Q & A and conversation.
For now, save the date - Saturday February 15 at 7:00 PM. We'll send "join" instructions as we get closer.
Presentations include:
White Rim Trail - Moab, Utah (Jonathan & Anna Gorbold)
The White Rim Trail in Canyonlands National Park is described as "the mountain biking tour of a lifetime." This was a 4 day tour along the “White Rim” layer of sandstone. Dramatic canyons below and majestic red rock cliffs above. Arches, towers and other fantastic rock formations
Le P'tit Train du Nord - Canada (Rob Begy)
In the heart of the Laurentian region, this 234k trail runs through incredibly beautiful landscapes along rivers and lakes. This was a 6 day tour, on and off the trail, averaging about 60 miles a day
Portugal (Steve & Kathy Riegel)
This 2 week tour was in the Alentejo (south central Portugal). Charming medieval villages complete with castles and monasteries. Small towns with white washed houses trimmed with gold or blue. Rural landscapes dotted with cork oaks and olive trees.
This year we are back at the Dolomite Lodge at 1628 Jackson Rd, in Penfield. Please bring a snack or dessert to share if you can. Pizza will be served at 5 pm, followed by our annual Awards presentation. Water and soda will be provided, but feel free to bring your own favorite beverage.
We will have ride leader packets, bike shop packets, RBC jerseys and other stuff. The "5+10" store will be set up, so if you want to sell jerseys and bike gear, bring them along.
If you're coming ONLY for the gathering and awards, come anytime after 4 pm.