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RBC President, Mark Robbins, returning to his duties as President

19 May 2016 2:08 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

From Mark,

Effective today (Aug 5) I will be resuming my duties as Board President.

I'd like to thank all for their support during what has been a difficult period and would particularly like to thank Elaine for service as President these past few months.


From Mark,

This is to confirm and clarify my announcement at our 5/10 Board Meeting that, effective immediately, I be taking leave from my position as President of RBC.    I came to this decision after careful consideration of the various demands I've been experiencing associated with my father's medical issues which have necessitated my spending significant time out of town as well as the demands on my time associated with the impending sale of my home (we are preparing our current home to go on the market and expect to close on our new condo in Victor during late July). 

Since our 5/10 Mtg. I've spoken with Elaine and she is ready and able to step up to the President's role during my leave.   Thank you, Elaine!!    It is my intent to remain on the Board and attend meetings and otherwise participate, as able.    It is my hope that I'll be able  to resume my duties as President as circumstances allow.

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