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Oler rider update

  • February 17, 2023 11:53 PM
    Message # 13102419

    As a older rider (over 65) I would still like to borrow a cup or two of knowledge.

    As a owner of a new tadpole trike recumbent I am looking for easier rides to help me loose weight. I now have an electric assist motor that is now the correct size for my current weight. I have the leg but not the lung, do to asthma, but using my assist motor I can ride 20 to 30 miles on level 1 assist. The only limit that I have currently is my battery. I have done a ride with the Unstoppable Vintage Riders on Valentines day as the sweep rider and I had no issues keeping up.

    I know my new motor can do some pretty good hills but I would be using a lot of assist so that would cut down on my battery life.

    Also does anyone use radar to warn of on coming traffic? What one has the best useful features? Is there one that also has turn signals?

    Has anyone used a  guardian angel rechargeable bike light? Well I can answer that question. The guardian angel rechargeable bike light is brighter and can be seen great distances.   I am thinking for a trike rider like me, I will mount a light on a post at the average height for most vehicles windshields which is close to 5 feet.

    I am looking forward to going on club rides in the coming riding season. Now that I can maintain 10 to 12 mph,and a little more,  I now feel I can go on club rides since I can keep up with the riders.  So far since I got my trike

    This past year I exceeded my goal of 500 miles, 577 on ride with GPS and 150 before I found out about ride with GPS for a total of 727 miles for 2022 and that was with me loosing about 8 weeks do to 3 health issues. If I had been able to ride those 8 weeks I think I would have hit a 1000 miles. My goal for this year is 1500 miles. I hope to blow right thru that goal and for me to hit my stretch goal. So far I have done roughly 60 miles this year. I will be riding any day that the temperature is 40 plus and snow free.

    I ride in Greece Dewey/Stone Area and surrounding areas. If I am riding the canal my rides are 25 to 33 mile and with hills like turning point and going to the port my mileage is limited to 30 miles currently do to battery life.

    So if you see Santa riding an Orange trike with lots of lights and 2 flags join me or just say hi.

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