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  • March 17, 2014 10:17 AM
    Message # 1519146
    Does our club have a library--as in hard copy books and/or periodicals? I have some pretty interesting bicycle books I would like to donate to such a thing.
  • March 18, 2014 12:08 PM
    Reply # 1520120 on 1519146
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    We do have a club library. The contents are composed mostly of historical documents of club meetings, activoties maps newspaper articles and newsletters. There are some external items that are general interest but not too much. I wouldwelcome some additional materials however we dont have an easy way to make that available to members without scheduling a time to come to my house to view that material. Going forward i will be digitizing the library to make it available online. If you have books i can leep them available but need to figure out how to lend them out. I cantsigitizethose as they are copyrighted. So i welcome the additions but not sure how best to get them in the hands of interested people.
  • March 18, 2014 8:37 PM
    Reply # 1520513 on 1519146
    Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Please ignore the typo's in the earlier response. I was replying from my phone (not the best keyboard in the world)
  • March 19, 2014 11:33 AM
    Reply # 1520828 on 1519146
    Thanks, Todd,  I'm also talking to Bicycleman in Alfred about having them lay about in his shop. If I bring them to you, where and when might be good??
  • March 21, 2014 2:15 PM
    Reply # 1522388 on 1519146
    Anonymous member (Administrator)

    If you want to drop them off to me, you can leave them on my porch at any time. Just give me a heads up they are there. They will be safe and out of the weather. Just put them in a plastic bag. Ill email you my detailed information separately.


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