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PEDAL BY PEDAL Now Available

  • December 05, 2016 12:42 PM
    Message # 4440506
    Hello friends.  I've edited a new zine called PEDAL BY PEDAL: A Zine About Women Over 40 Who Ride Bicycles.  The zine is a small booklet of short stories and poetry by eleven different women, chronicling their experiences on and with their bicycles.  And, THEY'RE FREE! If you think you might be interested in a copy, email me at

    Due to a generous donation, I was able to design and print 200 copies, and have enough dough left over to mail them out to people.  If you're here in Rochester, and live in the city, I'd much prefer to hand/pedal-deliver it to you.  Just let me know what works.

    Pedal Safely!

    Julie B.

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